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 Free Trail Class is...
 A Free 1 hour Cardio/Condition Class OR Pilates Class offered to new participants to "test out" a class, view the location & meet fellow classmates.
                                                Monday Feb. 10 @ 6:30 p.m. (Cardio/Condition with Stability Ball) St. James United Church in Waterdown 
       Wednesday Feb. 12 @ 7 p.m. (Pilates) Carlisle Memorial Hall

                                                          (See Class Descriptions below & Registration is required 905 339 - 7755 text or call)

 Pilates is...
     A relaxing and rejuvenating mat class that focuses on the entire body including the core.  Each class concentrates on overall muscle conditioning
 including  stretching, flexibility, strengthening, toning, endurance and deep breathing.  This promotes core strength, circulation, proper posture &
 balanced body alignment which alleviates many clients aches & pains.  Get ready to have your stress and worries melt away!

 Pilates with Weights...
     We begin with a variety of stretches & movements to warm up the body and prepare for the class.  Hand weights & stretch bands can be added to the   routine to build muscle tissue (something we lose as we age) and increase natural & every day metabolism (the rate we burn calories).  The equipment 
 further promotes range of motion, muscle strength & recruitment while awakening and toning your muscles.  The routine includes standing, seated,
 balance and mat exercises that will build your concentration, bone mass & help to stave off osteoporosis.  
 Tues. @ 10:30 a.m. (Brown's Martial Arts - 10 Franklin St. - Waterdown) & Thurs. @ 7:00 p.m. (Carlisle Memorial Hall - 273 Carlisle Rd.)

 Pilates with Foam Roller...
     The Foam Roller (a 3 foot long X 6 inch high solid foam roller which is provided to clients) is used throughout the routine to develop deep muscle
 tissue,  build strength, increase flexibility & assist with balance and proper body alignment.  The class begins either seated or standing and includes a   repertoire of exercises to stretch & warm up the body. The routine & intensity then begins to "roll" as we stretch, sculpt & strengthen all the muscles
 using the roller for a complete & rewarding overall body workout.  Weights & stretch bands can be added to boost natural metabolism, build much
 needed muscle tissue & bone mass.  Wed. @ 7:00 p.m. (Carlisle Memorial Hall - 273 Carlisle Rd.)

 Cardio/Conditioning with Stability Ball...
     Time to burn off some serious calories, promote weight loss, increase cognitive awareness & blow off anxiety, tension & stress.  The stability ball is   used from start to finish in this 1 hour power packed class which begins with 15 minutes of cardio to warm up your body & to get your brain, heart,     muscles and motivation pumping!   Note:  Cardiovascular exercise stimulates brain health & helps stave off mental health diseases.
 We then add hand weights (optional) to the workout to build muscle tissue and boost natural metabolism as we sculpt, tone and strengthen all our   muscles with a variety of creative & fun exercises.
 We finish on the mat with abdominal work & stretching to complete the overall workout!  Monday @ 6:30 p.m. (St. James United Church - Waterdown)